EDI X12 Transaction Codes
EDI X12 856
What is EDI X12 856?
EDI X12 856 is an Advance Ship Notice (ASN) that is sent through electronic data interchange (EDI). The ASN provides information on goods — including packing list and tracking codes — planned for shipment. It can be issued to the buyer by either the seller or a third-party logistics (3PL) / remote warehouse contracted by seller.
The EDI 856 contains:
- Shipment ID
- Shipment detail (quantity or number of items to ship)
- PO reference
- Item physical details (packaging, weight, dimensions)
- Product / item description (free-form description)
- Carrier details (routing sequence, transit time)
- Delivery location
Transaction BEFORE
EDI 855 & EDI 945
ASC X12 Standard
Transaction AFTER
EDI 214
Sample file
Copy the code of EDI 856 from this sample file
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*ASCDG *ZZ*VNEDIDID *150714*1050*U*00401*000000049*0*T*|~ GS*IN*305678132*149825353*20100518*1437*137*X*004010~ ST*856*0001~ BSN*00*SHIPMENTID*20130716*1621*0001~ HL*1**S~ TD5**2*FDEG**FedEx Home Delivery #214581111*******SG~ N1*ST*Sam Sample~ N3*1234 Camino Del Rio*#B52~ N4*Sample*UT*94609*USA~ N1*SF*Company B~ N3*2999 Sample Ln*Ste. 16~ N4*Sample*UT*78040*USA~ HL*2*1*O~ PRF*PONUMBER***20130712~ HL*3*2*P~ TD1*CTN*1****G*1*LB*864*CI~ REF*2I*983028870040563~ HL*4*3*I~ LIN*1*VN*108004*UP*846216010000*BP*6220204~ SN1**1*EA~ PID*F****wall clock~ HL*5*3*I~ LIN*1*VN*9061TZG*UP*783927137751*BP*2369943~ SN1**1*EA~ PID*F****Outdoor Wall 1Lt~ CTT*5*2~ SE*25*0001~ GE*1*137~ IEA*1*000000049~
The TD5 segment provides the basis for tracking goods through every shipping movement (a single route among a sequence of routes leading to delivery). Because multiple shipping methods and carriers may be used during the course of a given shipment, carriers / shipping methods can be specified and tied to each shipping movement in the routing sequence.
Often carriers are identified using Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC) developed and managed by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association based in the United States.
- TD501 element: Code specifying the relationship of a carrier to a specific shipment movement (routing sequence)
- TD502 element: Code specifying the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (qualifier)
- TD503 element: Code identifying a party or other code
- TD504 element: Code specifying the method or type of transportation for the shipment
- TD505 element: Free-form description of the routing or requested routing for shipment, or the originating carrier’s identity
- TD506 element: Code indicating the status of an order or shipment or the disposition of any difference between the quantity ordered and the quantity shipped for a line item or transaction
- TD507 element: Code identifying type of location (qualifier)
- TD508 element: Code which identifies a specific location (identifier)
- TD509 element: Code identifying the point of origin and point of direction
- TD510 element: Code specifying the value of time used to measure the transit time (qualifier)
- TD511 element: The numeric amount of transit time
- TD512 element: Code indicating the level of transportation service or the billing service offered by the transportation carrier (repeats in TD513 and TD514)
- TD515 element: Code identifying the country